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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Wake Up Call For Fatties

Image result for ugly fat people eating

Here are some medical and scientific realities.

Gastric bypass bypasses all most all of your small intestine. The small intestine is about 20 feet long. It is 20 feet long for a reason. Find out what that reason is.

A human body cannot defy the laws of physics and here are some numbers.
Your Basal Metabolic Rate is approximately you body weight X 10. If you are 300 pounds than you BMR is 3000 calories. This means that if you eat 3000 calories a day you will initially lose 3 pounds per week and as your body weight decreases your BMR decreases.  Someone weighing 300 pounds with a sedentary lifestyle requires about 5000 calories daily to maintain 300 pounds. The most women should eat is 2000 calories per day.

The reason that you cannot lose weight with the diets you have been using is mainly because you are probably cutting calories too drastically. Weight loss surgery cuts calories very drastically as well and this is not good for a myriad of reasons. As a fatling, your hunger cues are very very powerful and that is why cutting calories gradually works.

Rapid weight loss is very very dangerous and if you don't believe me, Fat Bastardo, google dangers of rapid weight loss.

Let's look at the logic and rationale:
Your stomach and intestines are not what is making you fat and keeping you fat. Too many calories are the culprit. Many people find a way to circumvent the restrictions imposed by WLS. Obesity is the result of behavior and I, Fat Bastardo, can help you with that behavior and if they don't ban me for my opinions and knowledge I would like to do it right here in this thread for all to see.

There is something wrong with the brains and minds of fat people so the idea is damaging a perfectly healthy digestive system is illogical. Fat people is a sense are addicted to food that is designed to be addictive. This show how filthy dirty capitalism is. The food and medical industry are cashing in on this epidemic and laughing all the way to the bank.

If you were to eat healthy food (something you won't be able to do after gastric surgery) at your BMR and gradually reduce the amount eventually the cravings the engineered obesogenic foods would go away. Also, you can speed up the weaning of junk food process with an old medication called Naltrexone.

You do have to take personal responsibility and you do have to come up with some altruistic reasons for doing this. Fatlings are generally not altruistic and they tend to be very self-centered which is a part of addiction. The altruistic reasons would personal and societal responsibility. Think about your loved ones. You owe it to them.

A lot of fatties like to play the tragic victim. You need to knock that off. I call it fattitude. When you do lose weight do not except praise for merely doing the right thing. Learn humility and grace. You don't deserve a pat on the back because what you will have done is nothing special or praise-worthy. Invent the cure for cancer and then you will be deserving of praise.

How to Piss Off a Bariatric Surgeon

There is a charlatan surgeon hawking WLS on a forum called Thinner Times Forum. Troll the shit out of that forum. I posed the following questions to him and I am now waiting for a reply.  Most likely I will be banned. I was banned for asking the cocksucker some questions.

For you gluttons reading this; if you opt for WLS you are an impulsive fool... and isn't poor impulse control the thing made you fat? 

Image result for Greedy doctors

Howdy Doc,

0ver 4000 surgeries WOW! You must be rolling in the dough! Excluding weekends, that's about one surgery a day. NOTE: Some surgeons do 5 surgeries per day. While the average salary of bariatric butcher is $500,000 that is not their only financial compensation. If a bariatric butcher has his own practice he's going to rake in MILLIONS each year.

NOTE: The average cost of gastric bypass surgery is $23,000, the average cost of lap band is $14,500, and the average cost of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is $14,900. So before getting too involved, spend time determining if your insurance will cover weight loss surgery. $23,000 X 4000 = $92,000,000  This cocksucker put $92,000,000 in his pocket. Sure he had some expenses but this fucker is also making big bucks on office visits and revision surgeries not to mention the kickbacks he's getting from the medical device companies and the pharmaceutical gangsters.

I opted to lose my weight by eating less and moving more and I decided to do in part because of the risks of surgery but there are people who didn't have the support I had so they need to be forced to eat less and have their small intestines shortened so that they have a more difficult time circumventing the stomach part of it. There are fatlings who may not need the mal-absorption part because they are more disciplined so why not just give them the gastric balloon along with an incremental reduction in calories?

It has boggled my mind that presurgical preparations include VLC diets with that awful Medifast and as we know, that is a recipe for gallbladder disease and possibly ketogenic-psychosis. As you know the BMR of a 400 pounder is around 4000 calories per day and we both know that if a 400 pounder is fed 4000 calories per day they will lose about 4 pounds per week. 

What is the rationale of using a surgical procedure that results in a permanently damaged digestive system to fix a neuro-behavioral issue?  

I think that the balloon has a good chance of changing the behavior of the glutton so I think it is only fair to the gluttonous patient to try that method of intervention first.  Your thoughts?  

NOTE: Because the gastric balloon is an outpatient procedure it pays far less than WLS.