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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Gastric Bypass Complications

The national mortality rate for gastric bypass surgery is 1 in 50 patients,  much higher than the mortality rate for any major surgery on an obese patient. The death rate varies tremendously between surgeons and programs, so you must ask each surgeon this question directly and hear the lies. Know that “surgical mortality” is officially defined as any death, within 30 days of an operation but many people who are butchered by these butchers suffer a long and agonizing death
Wound Infection
Wound infections are less likely to occur with laparoscopic surgery than with the traditional open incision. However, patients with diabetes are at higher risk for developing wound infections after any type of surgery and obese patients require larger doses of antibiotics to prevent post-operative infection. Wound infections are treated with antibiotics and incision care. Internal infections are very common because doctors are negligent when it comes to sterilizing surgical instruments. 
Obese patients require more aggressive post-operative respiratory care to prevent fluid build-up in the lungs that can lead to pneumonia. Patients who undergo the laparoscopic technique (vs. the open incision) are much more comfortable after surgery, and are therefore more able to do the coughing and deep breathing that prevents pneumonia. Depending on the severity of the pneumonia, it may be treated on an outpatient basis with antibiotics or in the hospital with IV antibiotics and breathing treatments but the truth is American hospitals are germ factories and make huge profits from HIAs (Hospital Acquired Infections)
Deep Vein Thrombosis/Pulmonary Embolism
Because patients who undergo the laparoscopic technique (vs. the open incision) are much more comfortable after surgery, they are more able to walk and prevent the development of blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis) that can lead to pulmonary embolism (clot breaking off and landing in the lung artery), and death. The treatment for DVT is blood thinners. The treatment for PE can require lysing (dissolving) the clot, blood thinners or more invasive techniques. Pulmonary embolism has been shown in the research to be the most common cause of death after the gastric bypass, so it’s very important to get up and walk and exercise after the surgery to avoid getting clots!
Bowel Obstruction from Scar
Bowel obstructions can form due to adhesions (internal scar tissue) after surgery. There is slightly less risk for developing this type of bowel obstruction with laparoscopic surgery, because there is so much less scar tissue from the laparoscopic technique. The treatment for internal scar tissue can range from resting in the hospital to undergoing surgery. So as you can see bowel obstructions from scars create huge profits for the hospital.
Incisional Hernia
Hernias that form along the incision are less common with laparoscopic, vs. open surgery. While occurring in less than 1% of patients after the laparoscopic gastric bypass, the incidence can be 15-20% after the open surgery. The treatment for incisional hernia is surgical repair.
It is not all that rare to require a blood transfusion during gastric bypass surgery.  Do not recommend that patients donate blood prior to surgery.

The following are complications specific to Gastric Bypass Surgery:
A stricture, or narrowing of the attachment between the stomach and intestine, can form due to scar tissue. This condition generally occurs in 25% of gastric bypass patients, but it varies between surgeons. It usually occurs between the first and third post-operative month, although smokers are at an increased lifetime risk for developing a stricture. The treatment typically consists of “endoscopic dilation” where the patient is sedated and a scope is passed through the mouth to the stomach and used to dilate the connection back to normal size. This is a lucrative outpatient procedure.
A leak is an area, most commonly where bowel and stomach are connected with staples, that doesn’t seal as quickly as the rest of the connection. The national average for post-operative leaks with gastric bypass surgery is 14%. The treatment varies between antibiotics and an operation, depending on the severity of the leak. CHA CHING!
Internal Hernia
An internal hernia can form when the bowel twists or blocks itself. Fewer than 5% of gastric bypass patients develop an internal hernia. Surgery is required to repair an internal hernia.

Side Effects
Most patients have problems at all after Gastric Bypass Surgery. Some patients experience side effects of: nausea/vomiting (especially if they are sensitive to anesthesia), constipation, Dumping Syndrome (sensitivity to sugar and/or fat and other foods) and hair thinning due to chronic male nutritions. All patients have increased sensitivity to alcohol, absorbing 4 times as much alcohol from a drink and becoming easily intoxicated.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Doctors Are

When you Google or Bing the words "doctors are" the search engines offer suggestion based upon what other searched. When you type in "doctors are" and add a letter you get even more suggestions.

"Doctors are" renders the following suggestions: Arrogant, Useless, Overpaid, and Dangerous. When you type in Doctors are followed by the letter A Google comes back with: Arrogant, Always Late and A waste of time

People don't have much good to say about Americas MDs and for good reason.`American doctors are members of an industry that is by far and away the biggest killer and the biggest thief the world has ever known.

Adding the letter B gives you: Bad, Broke, Brainwashed, boring.

Adding C gives you. Crooks, Criminals, Corrupt, Cheaters

Adding D gives you. Dangerous, Dumb, Drug Dealers, Douche Bags

Adding E gives you, EVIL.

Adding F gives you, Full of crap, Frauds, Furious, Fat

Adding G gives you  Greedy, Greedy Bastards, Glorified Drug Dealers

Adding H gives you Human, Heroes and Horrible

Adding I gives you, Idiots

Adding J gives you.________

Adding K gives you, Killing us.

Adding L gives you Liars, Lazy, Like gods and Leading Cause of Death

Adding M gives you More Harmful than Germs, Mean, Miserable Murderers

Adding N gives you, Not smart, Not happy Not scientists.

Adding O gives you, Overpaid, Only in it for the Money, Overrated

Adding P gives you, Paid to much, Pill Pushers, Psychopaths

Adding Q gives you, Quacks

Adding R gives you, Rich, Rude, Rude to Nurses, Ripoffs

Adding S gives you, stupid, selfish, scary, scum

Adding T gives you, The Third Leading Cause of Death

Adding U gives you, Useless, Unhealthy, Unhappy

Adding W gives you, Worthless, Weird, Wrong

UPDATE! Here is what comes up when you type "Doctors are" into Bing.

  • doctors are miserable
  • doctors are stupid
  • doctors are killing us
  • doctors are greedy
  • doctors are not god quotes
  • doctors are dangerous
  • doctors are the worst patients
  • doctors are heroes

Add A and you get:

  • doctors are arrogant
  • doctors are awful
  • doctors are attracted to me
  • doctors are angry
  • doctors are always to busy
  • doctors are arrogant
  • doctors are against nurse practitioner
Add B and you will get:

  • doctors are broke
  • doctors are bad husbands
  • doctors are bullies
  • doctors are bastards
Add C and you get:
  • doctors are crooks
  • doctors are corrupt 
  • doctors are contractor and income
  • doctors are cheaters
  • doctors are creepy
  • doctors are central to your life
  • doctors are cold
  • doctors are culpable in mesh lawsuits

Add D and you get:

  • doctors are dangerous
  • doctors are dumb
  • doctors are drug dealers
  • doctors are depressed
  • doctors are drug dealers in florida
  • doctors are dropping medicare patients
  • doctors are dumb on purpose.

Add E and you get:

  • doctors are evil
  • doctors are engineers
  • doctors are examining genitals for no reason

Add G and you get:

  • doctors are greedy
  • doctors are giving out to many prescriptions
  • doctors are getting worse
Add H and you get:

  • doctors are heroes
  • doctors are hypocrites
  • doctors are horrible
Add I and you get:
  • doctors are idiots
  • doctors are in
  • doctors are important
  • doctors are in it for the money
  • doctors are irresponsible with antibiotics
Add J and you get:
  • doctors are jerks
  • doctors are just rude
Add K and you get:
  • doctors are killing us
  • doctors are killing people
  • doctors are killers
Add L and you get:
  • doctors are liars
  • doctors are labor induction happy
  • doctors are legal drug dealers las vegas
  • doctors are losing money
  • doctors are lying to you about vaccines
Add M and you get:
  • doctors are miserable
  • doctors are more harmful than germs
  • doctors are men who prescribe medicines
  • doctors are money hungry
  • doctors are mandated reporters
  • doctors are mean to nurses
  • doctors are more dangerous than guns
Add N and you get:
  • doctors are not god quotes
  • doctors are not accepting medicare
  • doctors are nerds
  • doctors are not trained in nutrition
  • doctors are not god
  • doctors are not smart
  • doctors are not scientists
  • doctors are narcissists
Add O and you get:
  • doctors are opting out of medicare
  • doctors are overpaid
  • doctors are opting out of obamacare
Add P and you get:
  • doctors are pricks
  • doctors are poor
  • doctors are paid too much
  • doctors are pill pushers
  • doctors are programmed to kill us
  • doctors are pushers

More to come. 

In the meantime Bing and Google doctors are and use social media to trash doctors 
and their filthy dirty fucking industry!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Arrogant Doctors

The prerequisite to getting into medical schools in America is to be an arrogant, uncaring and unethical asshole. Here is a more erudite explanation.

Arrogance among physicians is, regrettably, common and violates the benevolent spirit of medicine-its very soul -as well the quality of medical care. The need for humility in the physician warrants greater emphasis in medical training, both in the classroom and, more critically, by example. Arrogance persists because of intersecting and mutually enhancing sociologic and psychological pressures. Regarding the sociologic elements, in earlier times, the great respect and prestige accorded physicians could foster arrogance in some. Today, physicians as a group are less likely to be idealized, but the health care system has depersonalized the doctor-patient relationship and created a kind of "system arrogance" in which the patient is seen not as a person but merely as a job to be done cost-effectively. As for psychological aspects, physicians are sometimes drawn to medicine by their unconscious concerns about illness and mortality-they become health experts in the hope of extending their own lives. Such physicians treat death as the enemy, and may practice unwarranted heroic measures. But the most critical variable in the development of arrogance is a physician's knowledge and thereby his or her power over the patient. This can delude some physicians into imagining that they are all-powerful. Seriously ill or injured patients tend to view the physician as an omnipotent parent and savior, and in this way unwittingly tempt physicians to be arrogant. The author concludes by reminding his fellow physicians that "we should not exaggerate our own importance. we are but an instrument of healing and not its source."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fat People Lie So Fuck em When They Die

The 10 Most Common Lies Fat People Tell

10 lies fat people tell.
After seeing a tweet from Ricky Gervais about how “That bloody Higgs Boson gave me too much mass.” is the Fat persons next excuse. I just had to write this..
How to Gain Weight and Influence People.
There are lies, damn lies and lies fat people tell.  We’ve all done it.  Those little white lies we tell to try to disguise the undeniable fact that we eat too much.  Yet some people seem to have made a science of this art form, to the point that these fibs have become inherent in our language.  We try to explode some of these myths here, and leave the chubsters nowhere to hide.
1) I Don’t Know Why I Put on Weight; I Hardly Eat Anything
When confronted by this whopper, the natural reaction of the recipient is to slap the person.  We marvel at the ability of these people to practice self delusion on such a grand scale.  This is the equivalent statement to, ‘my car’s doing too many miles to the gallon’.  It defies the laws of physics, chemistry and biology.  One down, nine to go.
2) I’m Retaining Water
I think what you’ll find, is that when people try to articulate this particular fraud, they’re actually retaining chocolate.  To retain say 55 pounds of water, you would have to retain nearly 7 gallons.  You would be sloshing and squelching around like a Michelin man full of liquid.  You would have to be the equivalent of a human camel or a giant human sponge.  Do you think I’m some kind of an idiot or something?
3) I’m Big Boned
Bones make up around 15% of a human’s body weight.  An adult weighing 176 lbs, can expect to have a skeletal mass of around 33 lbs.  A person who was 66 lbs overweight, as a result of being big-boned, would have to have a skeletal mass, greater than double the norm.  Whereas this quotient does vary from individual to individual, the differences are generally slight, and medically recorded cases of such extremes are unknown.
4) I Can’t Lose Weight
It’s true that overeating is an addiction.  Let’s face it, if we didn’t eat we’d die.  Nobody’s saying it’s easy to lose weight, but people do manage it all the time.  It takes a certain amount of willpower and commitment.  It also requires that you have to stop lying to yourself.  Saying ‘I can’t lose weight’, is the equivalent of claiming a genetic predisposition to saying no to chocolate cake.  This futile argument could be applied to almost anything.  ‘I can’t clean the dishes.  My dish washing gland was ripped out in a freak accident’.
5) I’m Starting My Diet/training Tomorrow
‘The sun’ll come out tomorrow…’.  No seriously though.  How many times have we heard this one.  More times than we’ve heard, ‘I’m starting my diet right now’.  The shifting sands of future diet starting dates, is about as solid as, ‘the cheque’s in the post’.  It’s an insult to our intelligence.
 6) My Latest Gadget / Fad Diet Will do the Trick
Every year, millions of pudgy suckers are parted with millions of pounds worth of their hard earned money, in exchange for the promise of miracle weight loss by one dodgy means or another.  These are as disparate as reality defying exercise gadgets, and revolutionary drugs and/or diets.  Why are people so willing to give credence to these manipulative racketeers, and why is this practice even legal.  It seems that a weight loss invention doesn’t have to be remotely plausible to be allowed onto the market.  Hang on, I’ve got one, I call it the diet hat.  Just wear this hat, it’s scientifically proven to lose weight for the wearer.  ‘What scientists’, you ask.  Oh, the independent ones who work for me.  Only $199.00 plus shipping and handling, thanks very much.  So long suckers.
 7) I’m Happy With my Current Weight
Yeah right.  It seems there are so many overweight people who are claiming to be happy with their figures, yet not many people who are unhappy having fantastic physiques.  Does it strike these people as odd, that there is a multi-billion pound industry geared towards helping people get into great physical shape, yet no products to help people who are struggling to become obese.  Could it be that these people are like little children lost in the dark, whistling to try to keep their spirits up.  Do we spare these people their blushes, and politely reply, ‘good for you’.  Hell no, you lying tubsters.
8) Things Will Change on their Own
This is about as likely as emptying a tin of alphabet soup out of a 3rd floor window, and expecting it to land on the pavement in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet.  People who are victims of this particular delusion, are like punch-drunk prizefighters, getting knocked down, only to get up back again and endure more punishment.  Reality is cruel.
9) Being Fat Runs in my Family
This is a variation of the ‘I can’t lose weight’ deception.  Did you ever stop to wonder why this is.  Is it that fat people have a combination of chromosomes  that thin people don’t have.  Or, is it that fat parents give their kids huge portions of food.  Do these overfed children then pass this trait on to their own kids, and so the cycle of abuse continues.  Is it easier to blame nature than our parents.  Mmm, let me think about this one.
10) The Only Way is Surgery / Liposuction
I’ve saved the best for last.  This is a very special lie, told only by the pathologically deluded.  If anybody ever tries to pass this one off on you, don’t have anything more to do with them.
In Conclusion
If we are to lose weight, perhaps the first loss, should be the weight of our denial.  We can not hope to shed a single pound, till all of our weight-loss fallacies are debunked.  In truth, there is only one way to lose weight, and this is to create a calorie deficit.  This can only be achieved naturally by a combination of diet and/or exercise.  It is far from quick and easy.  Sorry to burst your bubble porky, but it’s for your own good.  Hey, I care.