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Friday, April 21, 2017

Gastric Bypass Kills Deindexed By Google Thugs

We were putting a huge hurt on the weight loss surgery criminal medical industry until they bought off a couple of geeks at google and had this blog deindexed as you can see by the sudden drop in traffic. Greedy and murderous weight loss surgeons and the whores at Google don't care if you die.

Corporate gangsters kill more people in one month than were killed in all America's wars combined. This is merely one example of it.
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Monday, April 17, 2017

Stop Whining About Fat Shaming - You Really Are a Glutton

Watch this entire video and then shut your ugly pie hole and think about it!

If you are on this site you are probably an obese glutton whose lust for food exceeds your sense of personal and social responsibility and love for your family. Admit that you are a glutton and end your gluttonous ways NOW! Grow up!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Weight Loss Motivation is Not Fat Shaming

Watch the above video you whining gluttons! Your gluttony is why you are fat and it's time for you gluttons to admit it. Do up to a mirror with your fat self and admit the truth. YOU ARE A GLUTTON!